Learn how to mix verification environment Python + SPV.
Use all the strongest attributres of python.
Generates, stimulates and checks design, by python
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Simplus Veerification enable you running with your design, Our engineers will prepare for you the verification environment, from the first step until Tape out.
Using SPV as a verification environment give you the following:
C++ is the best and fastest language.
Best editor (Window Linux).
Fast and smart comppiler.
Fast and smart linker.
Naturale language to any simulator interface (All of them built by C++, and supplies C++ interface).
2. SPV supplies interface to many tools like:
Smart GUI for testing, regression etc..
MATLAB Runtime integration.
Using C ++ and Python for verification
Integrates with System Verilog and Specman.
Integrates with all simulators, all platforms, all languages includes mixed languages.
3. The best support, free libraries, examples by million engineers.
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achive 100 % coverage & 100 % efficiency.
1. Learm how SPV coveragee library enable you achive this target.
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1. MATLAB is the strongest tool for:
modem's simulation
mathematical calculations.
Wireless simulation.
bits correction..
Many other libraries.
2. Use DPF of SPV to import all the MATLAB capabilities into your simulation.
Special SPV method that enable:
call any MATLAB function in runtime.
use MATLAB engine and mutual memory.
Achieve flexible and amazing performence
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